PWT Italy’s Kick-off training camp in sunny Domina Coral Bay, it’s GO time!

21 Jan 2022 - Eventi Sportivi, News, News, PWT Italia

PWT Italy’s Kick-off training camp in sunny Domina Coral Bay,
it’s GO time!

Preparing for 5+5 memorable orienteering days in November 2022

Warm sunny weather, *****Resort, tricky orienteering, and a lot of fun. That’s what is waiting for all the athletes gathering in Domina Coral Bay resort in Sharm el-sheik for the 2022 PWT Italy’s kick-off training camp.


After the successful 5+5 orienteering weeks organized last Autumn in Egypt, orienteering is back in Sharm el Sheikh and once again the playground for all orienteers will be Domina Coral Bay resort. First official training and race simulation will be in Monday 24th January, followed by other orienteering sessions in the South Sinai Desert. Between the training session, Domina Coral Bay will offer the possibility to swim and dive in the sea and explore the coral reef, or simply relay at the sun or in the newly renewed Elisir SPA.