Official IOF Flag handover to WMOC 2022

13 Aug 2021 - News

During these days, in Hungary,  World Masters Orienteering Championships 2021 is taking place. Despite the last minute assignment of the event and the current Covid pandemic, over 1600 are running and competing for the title.

The WMOC 2022 organising committee from Italy followed the event with an expo stand at each race distributing info flyers and promo materials from Puglia Promozione advertising and showing the territory of Puglia.

On Friday 13th August in Csákvár there was the official handover of the IOF (International Orienteering Federation) flag from the Hungarian authorities and organisers to the Italian ones.
The Italian delegation in Hungary was represented by Mr. Sergio Anesi, president of FISO (Italian Orienteering Federation); Mr. Elio Sannicandro, general director ASSET Puglia Region; Mr. Giuseppe Nobiletti, mayor of the city of Vieste; Mr. Dario Carlino, council member for sport for the city of Vieste; Mr. Gabriele Viale, general director of WMOC 2022. The Hungarian delegation was represented by Mr. Balázs Kovács, president of the Hungarian Orienteering Federation; Mr. Ádám Lengyel, general director of WMOC 2021. The International Orienteering Federation was represented by  Mr. László Zentai and Mr. Jari Kymalainen

Below some of the words from the authorities:
Sergio Anesi – President of FISO
The World Masters Orienteering Championship is a great happening for national and international orienteering. Seeing this event today is amazing, it is a great sign of a new start and a come back to a normality of life and sport. We hope that the current situation keeps on improving as it is now. WMOC 2022 represents a really important moment for the whole FISO, which I am honoured to represent, I am sure that it will allow to spread even more this beautiful sport thought Italy. Puglia will offer some unique terrains which suits really well for orienteering and I am sure that it will leave to all amazing memories. I want to thank already now the Puglia region, all the authorities, organisers and volunteer which are and will work hard to make the event a success.

Elio Sannicandro- Regione Puglia
Orienteering is a fantastic sport that allows to learn, to  experience and live the forest and the nature that is surrounding us. For this reason, Puglia Region promotes all the outdoor sports and fully supports the organisation of WMOC 2022 in Gargano. Gargano is a really magical place, UNESCO heritage site, with a strong touristic focus which in the years have welcomed orienteers from allover the world. In 2022 we know that we will be under the spotlight and we will offer all our best to all the participants. ”

Giuseppe Nobiletti – mayor of Vieste & Dario Carlino – council member for sport in Vieste
After years of work we have been able to take home this event, which is a really incredible achievement. For the first time in history Gargano will host the World Masters Orienteering Championship, a sport that suits really well our territory.  Vieste had to be the leading municipality in this event and host the Event Centre. We are really proud of this result. Vieste will be ready to welcome in the best possible way all the athletes. It will be without any doubt the most important sport event ever happened in Vieste.

Gabriele Viale – General director of WMOC 2022

First a special thought and greeting to Mr. Michele Barbone, president of the committee of WMOC 2022, which could not be here. The handover of the IOF flag is an additional step toward the World Masters Orienteering Championships 2022. In these last 10 months toward the event we have to cooperate toward the organisation of a memorable event. Thanks to the numerous subjects involved I am sure that Puglia will be something unique. I want to thank Regione Puglia, Parco del Gargano, Provincia di Foggia, Prefettura e Questura di Foggia, Aeronautica Militare, Distaccamento Carabinieri della Foresta Umbra, the municipalities of  Gargano,  CONI Puglia,  FISO Italia and FISO Puglia with the teams involved. Another thanks goes to Ferrovie del Gargano which will support the event with the transport for all athletes and last but not least Fondazione Città della Speranza. We have also worked toward a sustainable event with electric mobility, recycle and minimise of the waste.