Is now online the list of entries to MOC Mediterranean Open Championship 2020 updated to February 1st! Check out the list here:
For any changes or modifications, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
The 7 times World Orienteering Champion Maja Alm and all the Danish team will be joining MOC!
Great to know that also they chose MOC as a preparation for the upcoming Urban World Orienteering Championships!
Expect something hectic this year in Matera!!!
6 New Direct courses at 5 days of Italy Paganella Only 10 days left to the next entry deadline on February 15th. The number of entries is growing day by day at 5 days of Italy, with the aim to bring to Paganella plateu over 1500 orienteers.
For the 3rd edition of 5 Days of Italy, there is an additional news to the ones presented in the past weeks: the number of Direct courses doubles! In fact this year there are 6 new Direct courses which differ from length and technical difficulty. The technical difficulty is marked with “E” for easy courses and “H” for hard courses. The length of the new direct courses is also marked with “S” for short, “M” for middle and “L” for long.
As mentioned, in total there will be six Direct courses:
Direct ES (Easy Short)
Direct EM (Easy Middle)
Direct EL (Easy Long)
Direct HS (Hard Short)
Direct HM (Hard Middle)
Direct HL (Hard Long)
Hurry up! Next entry deadline is on February 15th!!
Don’t miss the chance to enter now at: